About Me

I'd always been interested in the field of technology. My first experience in programming was with First Robotics. Since then, I've pursued an education in programming which led me to both Michigan Technological University and Nashville Software School.
Helping others and creating large scale, interesting, and useful applications are important goals and passions. I hold high standards for myself and continually aim to improve and learn.

Contact Me


Off the Cuff logo Bandshare logo

Off the Cuff Podcast


This front end project focused on creating a new website for my podcast in React.JS. Features included Auth0 for login, implemented a forum, and streaming audio over view changes.

This full stack application was created for finding new artists and songs based upon genre. It was created using React.JS for the front end, DJango Rest for the back end, and Wavesurfer.JS for the waveform audio player.
